Almighty Father,
Everything we have is a gift from You
And without Your love, no gift has value.
Thank you for the benefactors and generosity you have given
to Catholic Community Radio.
Thank you for allowing us to share in the redemptive mission of Jesus by broadcasting the Gospel.
Thank you for the volunteers and family of faith you have created to magnify your Son.
Lord Jesus,
Help us to be good stewards of the souls you have placed in our care.
Help us to take nothing for granted that Your Hand has given.
And help us to return all that You have given as a gift back to The Father.
Holy Spirit
Inspire us to use Your gifts wisely and share them generously.
Inspire us to present The Gospel with genuine joy and steadfast faith.
Inspire us with the words and actions to soften even the most hardened heart.
Holy Mary,
Pray for us to be docile to the movements of God’s grace.
Pray for us to do the Will of God, be it easy or difficult.
Pray for us to bear our burdens and hardships with unwavering trust.
St. Michael the Archangel,
Protect our apostolate from danger and demonic attack.
Help our apostolate to be a sure sword against all that would seek to destroy
The Holy Church, the Bride of Christ.
May the Most Holy Trinity grant increase to us where it is needed,
And decrease to our pride and sinful passions,
So that all of our efforts may give Glory to the same Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
now and Forever.